Asgar Saboo, be commenting on his top fashion and beauty hits and misses, live from the green carpet at the 15th International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Awards, starting on 23rd April till Sunday 27th April 2014, in Tampa Bay, Florida. As Bollywood’s A-list stars glide along the star-studded carpet, their allure will be sure to enamour the city of Tampa Bay and hair guru Asgar will be on hand to give us an in-depth report on the art of award-worthy hair and expert tips for show-stopping beauty.
The time has come to roll out the green carpet and turn all eyes on Bollywood as the ‘oh! so glamorous’ stars make their way to Florida for the 15th International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Awards, starting on 23rd April till Sunday 27th April 2014. International hairstylist for Bollywood, Hollywood and British stars, Asgar Saboo, has sealed his space on the green carpet, where he will walk us through the extravaganza offering live up-to-the-minute commentary on the hottest celebrity hair trends, Bollywood fashion trends and the fashion and beauty faux pas.
As Bollywood’s A-list stars glide along the star-studded carpet, their allure will be sure to enamour the city of Tampa Bay and hair guru Asgar will be on hand to give us an in-depth report on the art of award-worthy hair and expert tips for show-stopping beauty.
A renowned figure among celebrities, and a regular on red carpets, the name Asgar Saboo is synonymous with headline grabbing, style-worthy hair. He is trusted by A-list stars such as Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Hrithik Roshan and legend Rekha as well as supermodels Cindy Crawford and Twiggy and Hollywood actress Eva Longoria. His name is tantamount with cutting-edge and sophisticated hairstyles, and his hair creations have been showcased at glittering premieres, showbiz events and multiple awards ceremonies. There couldn’t be anyone better than celebrity hair maestro Asgar to narrate the grand entrances of the stars and transport us to an evening of glitz and glamour.
Be sure to follow him closely on Facebook and Twitter to get his invaluable insights on the latest hair trends as well as the scoop on the fashion hits and misses.
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